I haven't bothered to credit the so-called artists who created these commentaries on art. Regardless of their motives, they have succeeded at nothing save for making more ugliness. In other words, they have failed at achieving that golden fleece of the contemporary art world (agenda-laden industry, rather) - irony.
I took the images included in this post at the Elmgreen & Dragset - Biography exhibition at the new Astrup Fearnley art museum in Oslo, Norway. The curators must be cleverer than I am, because all I see is trash, death and destruction. I wasn't shocked, though I suppose I was mildly disgusted, and sufficiently provoked to care enough to make this post. So I guess that means they have gotten the better of me, which I'm sure is their petty intention. Though, in my philistinian ignorance, the intended irony in these worthless wastes of space somehow evaded my apparently limited intellect. Sorry
corpse in pool - very enlightening, provacative.
This guy was repeatedly painting the wall white as an "installation" or "performance".