Pre-Rafaelite Tombs at the English Cemetery in Florence
William Holman Hunt
Dove detail
Tomb of Fanny Waugh Hunt
Florence English Cemetery
William Holman Hunt sculpted a beautiful ark-shaped marble tomb for his wife Fanny Waugh Hunt when she died in childbirth in Florence. He had her tomb placed next to that of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, which had in turn been designed by Frederic Lord Leighton. John Roddam Spencer Stanhope also sculpted a tombstone for his daughter Mary when she died in Florence in 1867.
Julia Bolton Holloway is an authority on the history of the cemetery, and recounts the stories of its Pre-Rafaelite inhabitants in the following video:
Florence, Pre-RafaeliteJesse WaughEnglish CemeteryPre-Rafaelite, Tomb, Tombs, Florence, English Cemetery, Julia Bolton Holloway, William Holman Hunt, John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, Frederic Lord Leighton